Demands: 4.4+
Clarity Key-board Beta is an experimental keyboard supplying a straightforward way to type, assisting you to focus on just what you’re writing and absolutely nothing else.
It is compatible with Android 4.4+ as well as, for now, assists English (US) simply.
  • Multi-word autocorrect – checks the last few words you’ve keyed in as well as retrospectively remedies them.
  • Say goodbye to ‘damn-you-autocorrect’ – promptly undo any kind of autocorrections as well as restore specifically what you keyed in by touching backspace.
  • Constantly discovering – automatically discovers your jargon, nicknames as well as phrases. ALLOW United States KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.
We’re launching Clarity Key-board as an experiment to compile your feedback and also to test some suggestions we have about various means folks type. Our company believe in fresh reasoning, building new things and asking our users to check them. Like it? Dislike it? We intend to hear from you – make use of the feedback button in the app to get in contact with us.
  • First beta launch
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ClarKb032 (6.2 Mb)


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